Thursday, June 6, 2013

Anti fear Thursday!!!

1. Recovery fro yo
2. Conversations with parents
3. When I see Cameron
4. Captain's hat!
5. Finally college searching
6. Spaghetti dinners
7. Dog walks
8. Abi's red dress
9. State park run!
10. Godspell?

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Anti fear Thursday!!!!!!!

1. These pigs are not fun to pet!
2. Dennos
3. Feeding apples to lemurs
4. Escaping crazed people via driving over curb
5. Rainy zoos
6. Bowl top sunsets
7. Flowery unexpected visitor gifts
8 adventures that start early in the morning
9. Goose large bunny roommates
10. Being drivin around when one is exhausted

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Anti Fear THURSDAY!!

1. Surprise peace offerings!
2. Planting Dogwood trees/visiting tree farms
3. I bought my first bag of tortilla chips
4. Flavor bubbles
5. Hiking with Cam on islands
6. Hanging with Abi after work
7. A Prairie home companion
8. Cactuses
9. Curry
10. Labradoodles

Friday, May 17, 2013

Anti Fear!

1. Cam's back!
2. Dylan randomly dwelled in the house I worked at
3. Smooth peaceful fun week of work
4. Male Choir Concert
5. Lobster! Per Connors suggestion
6. Apple Blossoms
7. Les Miz?
8. Published Sonnets/ Abi's Backpage: )
9. Sharing French Presses
10. Spring Bike Rides

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Anti Fear Thursday!!!!!!!!

  • Parades!
  • Pisgah!
  • Breakfasts!
  • Happy Birthday Abigail!
  • Abi's birthday festivities
  • Fro YO
  • Mango baubles
  • Catfishng new Richmond 
  • McDonald's iced tea
  • Tulip time
  • Shakespeare 
  • Saving turtles
  • Window room
  • Entering
  • Knowing what to do!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Anti Fear List Thursday

1. Pine pitch
2. More than money, more than travel, more than monkeys, more than coffee, more than Australian Sheppards!
3. Calzones
4. Being waited for by friends even though one is an hour late
5. Tandeming!
6. Stream Diving
7. This weather
8. Beach going
9. Late night Cheese it's
10. Dog sitting when the dogs lie in the shadows in waiting

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Anti Fear Thursday

1. Climbing trees in cowboy boots
2. Comforting gestures
3. I got to go on a road trip to howell though!
4. They had dogs there and chickens me and Abi fed the chickens bread and there was a polish chicken who killed his dad by starving him to death
5. mulch delivering!
6. Speedway coffee mixed with hospital coffee mixed with ice machine ice stuck in a freezer than unfrozen
7. Sleeeeeeeeeep
8. Working with Grandpa and Connor was fun today; Riding home in the back of the truck
9. Porch Sitting
10. My biceps are the right size

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Anti Fear Thursday

1. Poetic encouraging farewells
2. Crossing the river
3. Nutella preservation? Confirmed!
4. Bubble Starbucks Cattail Birthday Party, Cameron is now 20!
5. Alternative roads home from rock climbing that include broke down farm houses and flooded roads
6. Gummy Bear Milk Shake
7. Ian's Rad Moth Art!
8. Very soon I shall be reading Abigail's recounting of the West Ottawa turkey: )
9.  Aurora Borealis?
10. Rain Jumping running sliding!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Anti Fear Thursday!

1. The Fergus farm! I somehow missed this the week that it happened. This included Easter and many wonderful things.
2. Return to work, work in rain
3. Is the Nutella I have in my room still good?
4. No/Yes
5. Campus Life/Male choir I shall do my part to convince Jordan!
6. Since I was given permission I had breakfast at great American Bagel with Abi before she went to school and it was SPLENDID
7. Humorous conversation with Connor
8. New frontiers in babysitting experiences
9. Mr. Burger
10. The old has gone the new has come!

Saturday, April 6, 2013


Lately Manhood has been on my mind. Peter Pan wanted to be a boy forever, and whenever I have thought of manhood, it has been as a status one trades his creativity to gain. However here are some things I would like to be, when I become a Man:

  • Does things he knows are right
  • Listens to others, fully engages with and interested in those who speak to him, not wandering to problems in own life 
  • Doesn't get angry
  • Keeps his word
  • Not compromise identity and ideals to make things easier in individual situations 
  • Learns how to use his creativity to benefit others, rather than attempts to dominate or remain in control or seek attention
This list is growing

Thursday, April 4, 2013


1. Jumbliah night
2. Having a wise friend to counsel you through turbulent social situations
3. Star power!
4. Dennys dates
5. Bed is cozy after exertion
6. The strange ironic satisfaction that comes from missing a loved one
7. Cool minty shaves
8. Breakfast burritos
9. New socks
10. Blue cheeses pizza
11. Being read aloud to from beloved books

Friday, March 29, 2013

Anti Fear Thursday!

1. Wooded runs in sacred forests
2. Rock Climbing
3. The first flip flop of spring
4. Evil Tree Nubs
5. Iced Coffee
6. Spring Spring
7. 2 O'Clock Walk
8. Scented Mason Candle
9. Regrowing Antlers
10. Coffee Grandma Dates
11. Adventure Booking

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Anti Fear Thursday!

1. Photo Shoots With Abi and Hava
2. Coffee date with Abi and Parker and Jesse (did I spell the name right?)
3. My cat sitting on my chest as I write this
4. Ohhhh, Rocket ship Potter
5. Dance Off!
6. Prayer with Dylan
7. Cameron burger king mission break fence off Aaron's neighborhood oops
8. God is very good Romans 6 I read it today!
9. Beach llama dennys ozz with torrence jesse and well yes Abi
10. Oncoming Spring ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh tulip time: )
11. Birthdays Singing jamming eating writing diving sweating concerts mini horses
This week was good. 

Friday, March 15, 2013

Anti Fear Thursday!

1. Demonstrations of shrewd leadership in video games
2. Reuniting with Connor at Ihop
3. Anticipating wonderful things to come
4. Overcoming Fears
5. Count it all joy when you face trials of many kinds?

Sometimes one gets the feeling that he should be examined, but chooses not to for fear of what he might see. It is perhaps at those moments that a person most desperately needs to face the music? 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Anti Fear Thursday

1. Ponchos
2. Family Birthdays
3. Pet Shops
4. Mancala
5. Salmon Bake
6. Oncoming Spring
7. Rest
8. Faith Hope Love
9. Cheese Its
10. Adventures with Friends


It takes courage to say what you believe. Sometimes instead of courage a person has fear:(

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Anti Fear Thursday!

1. Jambalaya PARTAY
2. Crows and Cats
3. Monkeys that groom each other
4. Raccoon hats
5. Oncoming spring
6. Mr. Fergus is happily employed!  
7. The zoo opens tomorrow
8. Lemon berry Chapstick
9. God doing a new work in you
10. Today me and Abigail hung out K we went to wok in wok out and to dan's house 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Learning to Cope

At different times in a person's life they are capable of coping with different levels of homosexuality. When I was in my toddler years, I didn't know what homosexuality was, so my capacity to cope with it was infinite. When I was seven, I remember reading a survey online asking if "Gays should be allowed to adopt." I posed this question to my parents, and promptly followed their advice and answered no. Now though, that I am older, and have had several personal encounters with fiery individuals and saddened creatures of the deep I am of the opinion that people should be able to adopt whomever they want whenever they want.

I wrote a poem about this topic.

Gay as an apple
up in a tree
straight as an arrow can possibly be
can Cupid's straight arrow pierce a Gay tree?

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Anti Fear Thursday

1. The Rescuers!
2. Ponchos
3. Church family
4. Shel Silverstein
5. Choir concerts with Odessa and Hava
6. Orchestra concerts with Abi and Jon
7. Succesful lovely defiant winter hike
8. Sledding with sisters
9. Radical face
10. Magicalness
11. The Book Thief
12. Feelings of success when friends also love books that you love

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Anti Fear Thursday

1. Clean(er) Room
2. Valentines day turns out wondrous
3. Sycamore tree paintings
4. Seagulls

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Anti Fear Thursday!

1. Mono Buddies
2. Spear Fishing
3. Pineapple mountain climbing
4. Artistic tunnel park chinese experiences
5. Monkeys Gorillas Polar Bears!!!
6. Django Unchained
7. Columbus time with Jordan
8. Fam Fam Home Anna Alexa Micah Collarbone recovery
9. BasketBall special olympics basketball!
10. Steak and Shake with Johnny Jesse David meet up with Abi Wallmart Hoo Rah!!!

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Anti Fear List Thursday

  • Pizza Cupcakes
  • Regular Cupcakes with frosting
  • Ñ→63♪╕↓O♠○→+|wAAd~£
  • Lions
  • Spontaneous trips with Anna
  • Croquet Taxidermy Cats
  • Hanging with Abi EVERY DAY
  • Hang gliding
  • Sailing 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Anti Fear List Thursday

  • Coffee Dates
  • Reading Harry Potter to micah
  • New hugging sweater
  • Rango
  • Friends you never get tired of but even after long periods of being in their presence desire to be in their presence
  • Yes Dancing
  • Bonfires
  • Pool Playing
  • Music that is just right
  • Snowy nights with Abi that are lovely lovely
  • Praying and being better

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Anti Fear List Thurdsay

1. Well yesterday Abi couldn't go to school, so I spent the day with her, and I hadn't seen her in several weeks, and it was joyous and wonderful.
2. Being rescued by rescued in Illinois by my father
3. Listening to Harry Potter while driving
4. Wind Chimes that have been hand painted for you, and wind chimes in general, but especially these ones I received that were hand painted for me, and the prospect of completing them with Abi.
5. Seals and Pelicans!
6. Writing this list is like a gate to heaven that all the good thoughts can fit through but bad thoughts can't, they just sit by them selves and it's OK cause I don't really need them. 
7. This man I stayed with who was really funny and I enjoyed his company. His name was Adam. 
8. Mountainous Views. 
9. Giant piles of dirt that are displayed in art galleries. 
10. Home is Healing!!!

Friday, January 11, 2013


This trip is like an eating disorder
Sometimes one realizes, after grabbing a piece of fat on his body and screaming his head off at it, that screaming one's head off at a piece of fat is ineffective. "Don't you understand?! No one likes you here. You always come and ruin the party. I hate myself when I'm with you." 

Even though it is very painful to carry on, it is evident that depriving myself of everything that I love will eventually cause me to reach social, physical, spiritual nirvana. Like when your ribs are prominent and people wonder what's the matter. You just inform them that, in fact, Nothing is the matter. That they just want you to eat so they can maintain their feeling of superiority at the fact that you lack will power, a thing God ships them by the boatload as a job benefit. Well it's not gonna happen! They aren't gonna think it's so funny when your teeth get loose and your hair gets crusty and starts to fall out. It is certain you will have the last laugh. So I will carry on.